Ever Projecting

Monday, December 21, 2009

Making stuff lately

Harriet's sweater has been on hold as I've tackled more urgent seasonal tasks, namely Harriet's Christmas stocking. I knit the other two four years ago, for our first Canadian Christmas. Harriet's is knitted with a bit less care, and with a purple flair, because she's that kind of girl. Kind of wonderful to think as I knitted it that she's going to keep this all through her childhood, that she was witness to nearly every stitch created, and strange that she won't remember a bit of it. Anyway, she's now officially a part of the family, or at least the bits of us that hang above the fire.

I've also been baking cookies to give to our friends, which is good because the cookies are delicious and I've finally found a use for the mason jars I've been hoarding for years and years (in vain hope of one day taking up canning, which isn't happening any time soon).

And finally, we've been making baby food. Which is the kind of thing that makes it obvious that I've only got one child.

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